Each turn is resolved at 11:45 each evening. It would be incorrect to imagine yourself as entering your orders and reading your messages at a certain point in the day because things will fluctuate. Couriers get three opportunities to do their moves but units get only one and there are a couple of opportunities for units to write reports.

So if, on June 6th, a unit in your location encountered enemy forces in an adjacent village, they would promptly send off a courier and it would 'immediately' reach your headquarters. Unfortunately though, that piquet discovery and courier movement only is determined at 11:45 on the night of the 6th (assuming for this example that real time and game time are in sync) so that when you check your messages on the 7th, you will only then be alerted to the events of the 6th.

Expecting a fight, you immediately dash off orders to bring the army to your location. At 11:45 on the night of the 7th, those couriers ride off looking for their targets. Meanwhile though, all the events of the 7th are still, sort of, already going on. While you are in your headquarters on the 7th, you don't know if there are, effectively, already enemies occupying your headquarters. In that sense, you are conceptually at your headquarters at dawn on the 7th and maybe that is the best way to imagine things: that no matter what time in the real world you log into the game, you are at dawn for that day.


The way that battles happen might seem slightly counter-intuitive so we'll go through the steps of a battle in game time and real time

June 16th -Two forces encounter one another at Quatre Bras. The game compares forces and commanders and if one side does not withdraw, a combat is generated. Both sides will send reports back to HQ. Currently, if a player is at the site of a conflict then the game will not automatically withdraw their side. The player won't know anything about this on Tuesday June 16th. There is no way to resolve piecemeal meeting engagements in this system. The only battles that can be done are those that assume that each side has a portion of an army there in the morning, ready to fight.
  Wednesday June 17th - Headquarters, if they are close enough, should have received reports of the meeting engagement. They should also be informed if one side withdrew so that there is no battle.  
June 16th - The game will pick one player from each side to be in charge of the battle. If multiple players have forces there, don't be surprised if it is not the most senior that is picked. Players who are there get priority. If a player has another playing as his proxy, they would be selected rather than the player there. Wed June 17th - Every player that has been selected to run a battle will be informed on the main page that there is a battle that needs their attention and to go to the battle selector screen.

Keep in the back of your head that the battle that you are thinking about is happening on that day. So if you are in the real world evening of the 17th, don't imagine that the battle is being fought on the 18th. It is being fought on the 17th.
  Wed June 17th - Going to the Battle Method Selector, you will see a drop down box and can select from all eligible battles for that day that you are the controlling player for.

Decide if you wish to fight that battle as miniatures or auto-resolution. (ignore the SVG option for now). Sit back.

Players who know that another player is at the location, or even if they are not if it is a logistics issue (such as 'can you bring your miniatures?') should feel free to contact others and discuss the choice of miniatures vs. auto resolution.
  Wed June 17th - You hurriedly dash off orders for more troops to come to the battle. You might also send messages to your allies telling them that you are about to fight a battle.  
June 17th - Troops in a battle cannot move and adjacent divisions with orders to march to the sound of the guns will set the site of the battle as their new intermediate destination and try to march there. Any troops arriving at the battle will come in reinforcement phase 1 or 2.   Reinforcement phase 1 and 2 are things that the players will have to work out for themselves when it comes to fighting the battle. It depends on battle length and preferences.
June 17th - If both players did not select to fight a miniatures battle then the battle auto-resolves and reports are sent to all involved. Thurs June 18th - Players would receive reports of the battles fought on the 17th  
June 17th - If there is to be a miniatures battle then the turn resolves itself as normal but at the end of the resolution, it sends out an email to all concerned stating that the game is paused. Thurs June 18th - All players would log in to see that the system is paused until the night of Sunday June 21st. They would also though get any courier messages that would have arrived on the 17th and their troops would have moved as normal. Orders can be dispatched etc but nothing will be resolved until Sunday Night at 11:45. Real world and game world would get out of sync.
  Thurs June 18th-Sunday June 21st - Players perform the necessary logistics to fight a miniatures game on or before Sunday June 21st. Semi-random OOBs and labels are generated by the game. The person that owns the miniatures might need to be emailed a copy of the OOB and labels which can be found on the Battle Resolution Screens.
  Sunday June 21st - Each player should have a print out of their OOB (for reinforcements) and worksheet with them for the battle. Note that fatigued divisions will have all their brigades begin with 1D3 hits on them.


Following the battle, both sides should fill in their worksheets and have the other players confer on the results that each division sustained.

June 17th - Game data is entered including retreat paths.. Sunday June 21st - Results from the battle MUST be inputted by BOTH sides for their respective troops. If both sides do not input the results before 11:45 Sunday night, the game will auto-resolve the battle and overrule any miniature game played. Talk to the game admin if there is some reason that would prevent a player from inputting the data.

Messages may be sent detailing the results of the battle.

June 18th - The next turn is resolved as normal Monday June 22nd - Messages may be received from results of the battle fought on the 17th.