Too far to the Bridge

A Sharp Practice Scenario

Players should determine at the start of the game what time it will end. At minimum there is one player per side (French and British) but a second player may join each side and that second player will have control of a Big Man and some troops taken from that side's force.

The French deploy first and can be set up anywhere within 12" of the Bridge. They have 6 blinds available of which 2 can be dummies. The British deploy second and can be no closer than 18" from any French unit. They have 6 blinds available of which 2 can be dummies.

1812 - Spain. Major Laclos has been assigned the task of taking and holding the bridge before Nostra Villa in anticipation of an attack to take the village the next day when Marshal Marmont will come and supervise the attack himself. Taking the bridge was surprisingly easy. All he has to do now is maintain a bridgehead.

The French

Major Laclos (lvl 3) has under his command the following forces:

Two companies of the 83me Regiment of the Line. The First Company is Voltigeurs. Captain Montfort (lvl 2) (with a drummer), Lieutenant Marat (lvl 1), and Lieutenant Compton (lvl 1) command.
The Second Company of the First Hussars (Captain Banville commanding (lvl 2) with a trumpeter)
A single 4lb artillery piece.

Major Laclos has orders to hold the bridgehead and will win the game if there are formed French troops on the British side of the River and no British troops on the French side and the Bridge is intact at the end of the game.

If there is a second French player then he will command of Captain Henri Darlon (lvl 4). Henri is an aide-de-camp of Marshal Marmont and may command any French forces within his range. Henri has come onto the scene after having an intense argument with the Marshal about caution and courage. Storming out, he rode quickly to the bridge at Nostra Villa determined to win glory. Henri will win if the French occupy 3 buildings of the village. 

Graspez le Saucission 1,2,3 and 4 should be in the deck (4 only if Henri is playing)
3 Pas de Charge cards and 3 Hop to It cards will be added to the bonus deck.


The British

Major William McGonagall (lvl 3) has been dispatched to retake the bridge near Nostra Villa. Riflemen were guarding it but had, predictably, failed and been repulsed that morning. Now it was up to the infantry to get the job done and make up for the mistakes of that lax Captain Hawkesworthe. Hawkesworthe has now been assigned to protect the village. Major McGonagall wins if there are no French troops on the British side of the bridge at game's end.

Four Companies of good Black Watch Highland infantry led by Captain Conner 'Con' McConnell (lvl 2), Lieutenants Campbell (lvl 1) and McLeod (lvl 1) with a piper and a drummer.
Two companies of 95th Rifles led by Captain Algernon Hawkesworthe and his trumpeter Nigel
A section of Royal Horse Artillery (2 light guns)

Captain Algernon Hawkesworthe (lvl 3) had been assigned to hold the bridge with his riflemen but they had been rudely repulsed by the French earlier that morning. Now that the regular infantry have shown up with that pompous Scotsman in charge, Hawkesworthe and his elite riflemen have been tasked with defending the village and thereby missing all the glory. Perhaps, muses Hawkesworthe, the village can be defended and the bridge secured. Hawkesworthe cannot command any Highland units. Hawkesworthe wins if the French do not control the village and if there are no French troops on the British side of the bridge at game's end and there is a rifle unit further east than a Highland unit. If Hawkesworthe wins, McGonagall does not.

Grasp the Nettle 1,2, and 3 should be in the deck as well as a Sharp Practice.
3 Thin Red Line cards are in the bonus deck.