Shots from a pair of battles of semi-Quatre Bras. The first are from the play test and the second set are the battle as played at Gottacon 2010. In both battles, the French won. It was played again at Trumpeter's Salute 2010 with a similar result though it seemed to be going all Wellington's way for a good while.
After rebasing the whole army, we tackled the central Waterloo. In June 2011, the plan was hatched to make this an annual game and a set piece with everything in place for a major showcase game in 2015
FEB '12 REHEARSAL | APRIL '12 TRUMPETERS SALUTE | TERRAIN | JULY 2014 | 200th Anniversary Game |
A first attempt at doing the whole thing. Three units were proxied.
The forces of Wellington wait
12:00 D'Erlon attacks
1300 D'Erlon stalls
1400 hrs
1430 hrs - The Prussians arrive!
1500 hrs
1530 hrs - Crisis!
1600 hrs
A solo game of D'Erlon's attack was tried. Mostly it was done to get a feel of the prettiness possible now that the hills were hal;f done.
Testing the Left flank
In Oct '11, we conducted a test of the hills to see if they would make a difference. Because D'Erlon's attack had always been a French failure in the past (as it was historically), we chose this section to try. Mislaying the central eastern board, the valley that D'Erlon marched through is slightly more extreme.
A critical difference was the French artillery could continue to fire over the heads of the advancing French infantry. They needed 6s to hit still, but that meant that British units could be disordered. We also chose to play all the rules as written. Also now the French have more artillery.
It is starting to look right.
It was surprisingly easy to drive the first British and Dutch-Belgian units back, as they had been exposed to artillery fire. The remaining units wait behind the reverse slope, protected from the artillery.
More French successes are gained but the British cavalry stands poised to sweep forward.
Catastrophic break tests result in the British left flank routing from the field. Things look bleak but the Prussians would be arriving very soon.
The view from the French right.
The first three command rolls for the Allies were three blunders. Here, the Nottinghamshire infantry misunderstand the emphasis on 'advance' and charge into the valley. The Scots Greys ride forward to support them where they would perish due to artillery fire over a couple of turns.
Another view of the destruction of the Scots Greys
General Reille pushes on Hougomont. The Young Guard would be thrown into this fight also.
Alten's divisions would go the day without conflict. The French are concentrating on their right.
Picton's division pours fire into the Old Guard grenadiers.
The big picture.
The Old Guard charges through D'Erlon's corps and rises over the ridgeline to hit the Buffs. They would be repulsed shaken.
All the cavalry in the world vs. Bulow. The Prussians formed square to repulse the first French charge but then formed column and charged!
D'Erlon's exhausted corps pulls back from the relieved British while the cavalry and the guard go to deal with the Prussians.
Initial deployment w 1200+ figs
Initial advances by the French. D'Erlon's attack is slow after allowing two turns of artillery bombardment. Lobau's infantry pushes between Hougoumont and La Haye Saint and suffers horribly to enfilade fire and medium range British artillery. They also have no skirmishers out.
D'Erlon's I Corps is well stuck in with four or five battles continuing over serveral turns. The French would have won these handily if there had been any support behind them. On the British left, the Dutch-Belgians are attacking and driving the French from the field. They would destroy four French battalions.
Using Musketry and artillery and Legros, Reille has cracked open Hougomont and they are pouring in. The Glasgow Highlanders would manage to get into the back half before it was claimed by the French.
La Haye Sainte and initial wheat fields
The La Haye Saint orchard gets misplaced
Paint Dutch Militia
Maybe -
Purchase and paint British Heavy Dragoons
Maybe -
paint French Guard Chasseurs a Cheval
Construct Wellington's Oak
Obtain more casualty figures
Obtain more disorder markers (smoke)