3500 Russians Holding the Line against 3500 Germans. The Russians start with three platoons on the table, three in ambush, and six coming as reinforcements. Before the game ended only two platoons had come on as reinforcements. Still, there was 2200 points of Russians n the table. One battalion of infantry covered the bulk of the soviet right flank, dug in with woods and barbed wire for protection. The rest of the line was 10 Anti-tank rifles placed wheel to wheel and dug in, supported by nine heavy machine guns and each flank had 5 T-34s, also wheel to wheel and also dug-in.
The German plan was to simply push down the center on a narrow front, screening with recce and then assaulting with Panzer Grenadiers and Tanks.
The picture below is already late in the battle (turn 3). The leading armoured car patrol has been destroyed by the PzKw IIs are pushing forward, trying to draw fire and suppress the anti-tank guns.
On the German left, armoured cars, PzKw IVs, Marders, and a flight of bombers struggle to silence five soviet tanks. The armoured cars, of course, can only watch. They would be destroyed by infantry fire.
What the Germans faced! The Panzer IIs have made more progress and were about to launch an assault but even though the anti-tank guns were pinned, they'd have been able to fire in defensive fire. All six of those tanks and the supporting infantry would be destroyed on the next Soviet fire.
More Soviet reinforcements arrive. The Germans sniper in the woods would try to delay that single massive unit but fearless troops are not so easily detered.
A tough slog.
The Aufklärungsschwadron has been destroyed by this point and another wave of Germans is trying to move into the breech.