Well, Black Powder was interesting but it is no Holy
The British get the opening moves and commence to
advance up the center. They are looking to shake out
into line just past the road. See that little fooded
area where the four French cannons are facing? That
was where a battalion of 95th Rifles had scurried to
on the opening move.
The French have 6 battalions of infantry massed on
their left to oppose five battalions of British. The
French artillery, after snuffing out the rifles,
would never become a factor.
A shot from behind the Frdnch left. The smoke
markers are used to mark the disorder that the
French attack columns have received from the British
fire. The French columns are having a hard time
getting rolling.
The charge falls short. time and again the French
would find themselves unable to coordinate attacks.
But when we do get stuck in, things get very stuck
in. The initiative system means that any units
within 12" always get to move however they like. The
French heavies, due to a blunder when last ordered
to charge, had withdrawn off the table but they
returned and one regiment got to hit the Highlanders
in the flank. They failed to have any appreciable
effect. The leftmost French infantry never moved as
the Rifles had pinned it constantly.
The British lines break and the French pour through.
Two battalions charged the supporting Highlanders
and one was driven back by fire but the second
managed to drive back the Scots.
On the Right flank, the Hussars first charged the
British light dragoons and caused them to retire but
then swept forward to hit them again and drove them
back once more where they left the table edge and
were removed permanently due to being shaken.
Meanwhile the British square managed to shoot up the
Hussars well enough to disorder them so that only
one regiment could charge the horse artillery on the
hilltop. The canister fire from the guns obliterated
the charging Hussars.
With 4 players, none of whom had played before and 2
of which had never played any sort of historicals
before, we finished this game in 2 and a half hours.