This week's fight ended up being a modest 400 pt
fight. The Austrians and Russians were two separate
but allied armies. The battle started at 0900 with
blinds advancing toward one another.
1100hrs from the French perspective. In exchange for
the Allies choosing the initiative marker, the
French got to start deployed in the village on the
Jeremy's Austrians made a concerted, aggressive push
to quickly come to grips with my French that began
deployed in the village (II Corps)
Meanwhile on the French right, Warren's Russians
steal a march on Bruce's French I Corps and are well
on their way to deploying while the French are still
getting started. I Corps commander lost two and a
half hours trying to get his divisions moving.
1200 hrs - The high point of the Austrian assault on
the villages. Moments after this snapshot was taken
French cavalry would be revealed on the opposite
flank of the Austrians so the Austrian cavalry would
be ordered to pull back and switch flanks. The
advancing brigade of Austrian infantry would go on
to charge the French line to their front and it
would have disastrous consequences.
Canister fire! The Austrians would, after the
startling loss of the lead Brigade, switch to the
French columns make advances against Russian lines.
It would prove to be a mistake but the Russian
artillery is being maneouvered wide to the right to
assist in bombarding the defended villages.
Perspective shot
Approximately 1330hrs. The French cavalry are
pushing across the stream, successfully routing an
infantry brigade and capturing a battery of 12
pounders. These successes though would leave them
poorly deployed and they would pay for that.
The Austrian cavalry hurl back the French
The French right flank continues to maneouvre
1400 hrs. The distance is being closed.
Stalemate on the French left. The stream and town
obliged Jeremy and I to bog down in desultory fire
and caucious cavalry probes.
End Game on the French Right: The French tried a
double turn attack that failed to break the stubborn
Russian defences and this allowed the Russians to
switch to a counterattack which likely would have
proved decisive were we not obliged to quit the